Friday, March 20, 2009

Reflection: In a Clearly Foggy State

The mind is slow
Too much ungrounded wattage
Synapses firing off in all directions
Threatening overload without adequate release
Nowhere to go
Like an aging house wired for two-pronged ungrounded outlets
Small appliances
Small life
Getting smaller moment by moment
Like the sands of an hourglass

Frack it all!

These had better NOT be all there is
To the days of my life

I am nine by human count
Middle-aged for a domesticated feline
Thrice the life expectancy of my feral counterparts
Of my parents
Of my own expectations,
Given the circumstances of my birth

Sometimes I envy Nouna
Who had at least a year
Who tasted life as it was intended
Who yearns still
To taste the early morning breezes
To read the wind

While I remain ensconced
Enjoying the comfort
Of my cozy imprisonment
Contentedly discontented
As I await the sporadic promised return
Of my human

Tomorow will be soon enough

Slippage: I feel its onset once again
Slip sliding away
Back into the oblivious limbo
Of my slumbering mind
Willing to wait
Instead of willing to do

What was that?