Friday, August 25, 2006

What the

What the . . . ?
25 August 2006

So I was hanging out in the laundry room, minding my own business, when suddenly my olfactory system was brutally assaulted. I looked around, but there was no one in the nearby litter box, nor evidently had been recently. JJ, who’d been hanging out nearby in the hall, also looked startled. We looked at each other questioningly, then over to the New Kid, that seemingly innocent little mischief maker calmly sitting in the middle of the hallway with her legs widespread, licking away what was left of what had to have been the most amazing fut, especially for such a little girl. No fem, that one, that’s for sure!


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Its Raining Cats

It’s Raining Cats
24 August 2006

My apologies to those of you who have faithfully popped in of occasion, only to find me absent. My only explanation, and it’s not intended as an excuse by any means, is that it’s raining cats here, one of whom is convinced she’s a he, and a dog to boot. ‘S wonderful!

After some initial hissing and growling that really scared oh, Everyone, things have settled down to the occasional territorial nose swipe. The daily wrestling matches obviate the need for television, as do the daily feather and ribbon games. There’s a whole lot of mousing around going on, thankfully all imitation.

Unfortunately, the fecal count is quite authentic, as is someone’s bad aim. Now, that last, I really don’t understand, P.U. having made sure to purchase the jumbo size litter trays. Ah well… Personally, whenever I find what looks like a soggy “roach”, sans clip, I take it as a very pointed statement. All I have to do is figure out what the protest is, then deal with it. Again unfortunately, I think there may be some definitively stances being taken about courtyard privileges. Clearly, it’s too soon for the Gurlz, who are still subliminally recalibrating their internal compasses. So I guess I’ll just keep sidestepping those little treasures and cherishing the memories…

At least my muscle tone seems to be returning. I’m certainly getting a whole lot less sleep than of yore.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Cat Fishing

Cat Fishing
11 August 2006

I love fish. I love fishing. Lately P.U. has taken to cat fishing again. Two Gurlz and a Boy, to be exact. Oh how the feather does fly, though fortunately not the fur, hissing and staring notwithstanding. Was I ever that energetic? I think so, before JJ came, though that was so long ago now, I have only my memory for proof, and I, of course, am in a clearly foggy place.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Fur like an angel, face like a demon, sweet little lady with a growl like a tita, she sleeps beneath my bed and shares my window view. Her offspring infuriate her, unwilling as they are to leave her weary teats, yet she never lets go of her dignity, spitfire though she be.

Her children irritate and entertain me by turns, taking after their father, I presume. I must get to know her better: Nouna - person, place, thing of all things.

Friday, August 04, 2006


How time flies! I could have sworn I'd only missed one day of blogging, but then again, there was the whole disconnected mess yesterday. P.U. spent most of the day trying to reestablish Internet connection after discovering that someone, naming no names, had unplugged a couple of things, besides shutting down a few others. But I tell no tales...

I think I'm starting to get used to the new kids, hyperactive though they can sometimes be. More important, they have a very lovely mother . . . But really, it's too soon to speak of such things.

JJ still hisses when the girls enter his space, but I've been doing a little investigating, and they seem to be all right. In fact, that Ajax reminds me a lot of JJ when he first came. She never seems to tire, is always ready for a game, and has to sample everything, from water dishes and food to litter boxes. That child knows no boundaries. It'll be interesting to see how she progresses in the family, especially after last night.

Last night - Last night Nouna, the Lovely Lady, finally deigned to emerge from hiding. She even actually joined us for a time on the bed. What I particularly appreciated, however, was her hissing Ajax away when she tried to join us. That child never seems to want to let anyone ... simply be. We'll see...

The other youngster, Comet, is a leaper. Yesterday she challenged me by repeatedly climbing to the top of the new cat tree. This morning I showed her real climbing: I mounted the bedroom wardrobe. Of course, I had to call P.U. twice to help me down, but still... we left Comet puzzling over how she could get up there. She can't, of course; at least, not until she gets a bit older and longer. By then it won't matter.

Still, we've progressed to touching noses, the kittens and I. Soon, soon, I hope to share sniffs with Nouna. What a Lady!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day 3

They're still in there. Last night they started playing around 2 a.m. For that they got an early feeding. It doesn't matter that we did, too; it's not right, messing with the daily schedule that way.

P.U. was out all morning, as often happens. You'd think those Gurlz would take the opportunity to catch up on some sleep, but not those hyperactive gits! By the time P.U. returned, there'd been plenty of banging on both sides of that door.

Fortunately, they have to stay inside when P.U. comes home, while we get to meet and greet our human. Today a five-tiered skyscraper was wrestled into the living room. Naturally I exerted all caution, carefully sniffing it from every angle before proceeding. Then I scratched it; JJ helped. Soon, however, we realized that scratching would not suffice, so up we went. I made it to the second tier from the top, a tubular setup. P.U. put JJ on the top tier, but at least I got up on my own merits. (Much to my chagrin, Comet later scampered right up the tree to that top tier all by herself.)

P.U. finally opened the door, and I was immediately assailed by the odors. Naturally I took my time examining them. I do watch CSI, after all.

There have been three door openings today, each involving lengthier and lengthier explorations by the Gurlz. Only I have reciprocated thus far, but JJ is giving it some thought...

Once, the most recent time, Ajax made a successful break for the door as Nouna, that strikingly beautiful grey, was being taken back in. Unfortunately, Comet didn't quite make it; her paw must have gotten caught in the hinge area. You could hear her all over the neighborhood. She seems to be okay now, but her yowling has had a startling effect on me. It has served as a wakeup call to me that these are really children. Since then I've been keeping an eye on that Ajax. What an idiotic rascal she is! What a shame my human thinks she's so cute.

To be continued...