Friday, January 19, 2007

Not So Hot

I'm not feeling so hot today
Spent most of it in bed
My nose continues to run, you see
And I have a stuffed up head

JJ's under the blanket
With his back cuddled up against mine
I've tried cuddling pudee
But that one's too busy online

What's a fellow to do
When his nose just won't stop running
And his head is pounding so hard
It sounds like somebody gunning?

Guess I'll just have to go back to bed
And hope for a better tomorrow
For today is just too cold
And clearly ripe for sorrow

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

nee Freedom

What's the point in having humans home
If we're still constrained as to where we can roam?
The bedrooms and hallways are all well enough
But I'm more than ready for some other stuff
Like blue skies and green grass and birds in the air
That mock from high up without a care
This is supposed to be the land of the free
But rules that bind are all I can see
Since when is surveillance the rule of the land,
Restraining wills with an invisible yet iron hand?
I thought McCarthy had long since retired
But now it seems there's an heir that he's sired
Techno lust for cool toys have brought blissless chains
Binding so many with endless refrains

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Day in Nouna's Life

I've been tracking Pudee again today,
From room to room and stove to bay.
We've had a brisk game
And time in the courtyard.
I've finally regained trust,
Though the road has been long and hard.
The sun has been shy
These past couple of weeks;
We've been trapped in this house
With only a few outside peeks.
Now it's almost time for dinner
And the feeder's nowhere in site.
Pudee had better get going
And make things right.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Inside Outside

The sun shone bright
The house was warm
How could I know
Of the coming storm?

The light gleamed bright
On my sun-warmed hide
Clearly it was a perfect day
To spend outside.

When the door opened
I scampered right out
The Gurlz were there too
Charging all about.

It took several moments
Till we noticed the cold
The concrete was freezing
For this I'm too old.

I turned right about
And returned to the house
Where the heater is warm
And I can find my toy mouse.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Jumpin' JJ

Today's the day for jumpin' JJ
Everybody join in the game and play
The Boy's just too easy skittering about
We Gurlz can corner him or shut him out
Mom leads the way with a growl and a swat
Whee! We're having fun, even if JJ's not
Oops! I think we're busted, here comes Pudee
Out of my way, better lickings for you than for me

Friday, January 05, 2007

Not on Fridays

P.U. doesn't usually blog on Fridays, I've noticed, perhaps because lucidity is not a high priority on this particular day of the week. Tonight, however, I'm determined to report that clear skies have not prevented this report from a clearly foggy place.

Dreamgirls is advertising the character of Dena, even though the storyline clearly belongs to Jennifer Hudson's Effie character.

A democratic senator from back home is purported to be advocating the institution of a mandatory draft for men and women, ages 18-26, even though his lifelong political position has been anti-war since the days of Vietnam.

President Bush seeks an extension of the clearly ineffective "No Child Left Behind" program.

Do I have my priorities confused? All I really want is a warm place in which to sleep and tasty wet food twice daily, assuming a steady supply of tasty dry food, of course. Is that so much to ask of life?

Just how befogged am I, really?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Quote of the Day

"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true."
- Robert Wilensky

And yet we keep trying... or perhaps it's just that the above quoted wit has yet to reassemble all those random words in the correct order...

Just got done with a jigsaw puzzle, and boy, do my paws twinge. The Zillas kept trying to sample the pieces, as though they were sound bites or kibbles.

Popped up on my P.U. as usual, only to find a Zilla down below. I went catfishing with my tail, but this one's not yet claw-trained, so I abandoned P.U. to those pesky paws.

Trying to be appreciative of not living in snow country - but I do love the fog - if only it were here! Instead, the sky is deceptively brillig as the temperature drops and the forecast promises the winds will be picking up momentarily. Oh joy . . .

There are two newly dubbed computer cats stealing my thunder around here these days. They bring rain, too, every time they sneeze. Sure hope they prove to be as bad at sharing their colds as they have been at sharing everything else.

Sour grapes? I don't eat fruit; I'm strictly a carnivore, despite the rice fillers those nasty human cat can producers try to make you think. Oh, my delicate stomach...

Well, enough of this - I still don't see any great works of Shakespeare emerging from my meanderings about this keyboard. Perhaps another time...

Remember: Pause for Paws.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Full Moon

I'm a fool for a full moon
Of that I'm quite aware
That bright glowing orb in the sky
Washes away my every care
The year is young and so am I
Though the Zillas are younger still
They're not the ones who've leapt over walls
And tasted a fresh rat kill
The Boyz think they are so all that
But face it fellas: I'm the Top Cat.
