"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true."
- Robert Wilensky
And yet we keep trying... or perhaps it's just that the above quoted wit has yet to reassemble all those random words in the correct order...
Just got done with a jigsaw puzzle, and boy, do my paws twinge. The Zillas kept trying to sample the pieces, as though they were sound bites or kibbles.
Popped up on my P.U. as usual, only to find a Zilla down below. I went catfishing with my tail, but this one's not yet claw-trained, so I abandoned P.U. to those pesky paws.
Trying to be appreciative of not living in snow country - but I do love the fog - if only it were here! Instead, the sky is deceptively brillig as the temperature drops and the forecast promises the winds will be picking up momentarily. Oh joy . . .
There are two newly dubbed computer cats stealing my thunder around here these days. They bring rain, too, every time they sneeze. Sure hope they prove to be as bad at sharing their colds as they have been at sharing everything else.
Sour grapes? I don't eat fruit; I'm strictly a carnivore, despite the rice fillers those nasty human cat can producers try to make you think. Oh, my delicate stomach...
Well, enough of this - I still don't see any great works of Shakespeare emerging from my meanderings about this keyboard. Perhaps another time...
Remember: Pause for Paws.