Friday, November 17, 2006

Cold and Dark

Two buildings over and down the street
I can hear the sound of swift-running feet
Across the quad there's a light in the dome
But over here all's cold and dark - no one's home
The sound of music throbs through the wall
But of humans there's no sign at all
The food dishes are empty, the water's almost all gone
Will this be another long night without dawn?
Promises were made and kisses given out
Assurances there'd be dinner, without a doubt
But the kitchen is dark and the house feels empty
How I miss the days of plenty
I'll vote for anyone promising change
Then pray I don't end up with mange

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

JJ's Visit

JJ’s Visit
15 November 2006

JJ went to a new vet today
Mom’s trying to chase his blues away
She thinks he’s losing too much weight
He’s just not eating as much as he once ate
The Gurlz gang up and fence him in
Blocking him off when it’s time for din-din
They think they’re playing and love to tease
Buzzing around him like so many bees
But he’s not used to not having first plate
So he’s having trouble adjusting to his new fate
I must admit I’m not too keen either
On having to deal with every eager beaver
That wants my time and attention and space
Every little chica who doesn’t know her place

No, I’m not
A snot.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Growth Spurts

Those squirts have both had growth spurts
Oh my poor head
I'm constantly nudged and bumped and budged
JJ's corraled every day
All because
Those squirts have both had growth spurts

Female upstarts everywhere
In politics and at home
They're really getting under my hair
I wish I had a comb
They challenge everything with a dare
I wish I could get out and roam
Then I could evade each and every stare
And not have to write this poem

Monday, November 13, 2006

Kitty Zillas

The holiday season is upon us once again, and thoughts turn naturally to decorations, mostly because neighbors and store windows don't let us keep such thoughts from our otherwise engaged minds. Still...

There's a lovely collection of victorian model houses that had been growing prior to the advent of Cats-R-Us here, and now that JJ and I are mature, sedate Big Boyz, there was talk of reviving the tradition. There is, however, obviously a new threat(s) in town: Ajaxzilla and Commazilla. These clearly radiated kitties have been growing at astronomical rates and are now monstrous creatures who have outgrown JJ, though they don't seem to have adjusted to their exponentially increasing sizes yet. They are now tall enough to leap up onto the lower bookcases, but they lack the agility or grace to tippaw through the paraphernalia there; consequently, the i-pod speakers are fallen soldiers even as these fingers tap. What will happen if a miniature town is erected? Will it even get that far?

On a side note, Ajax's tail has achieved a decidedly phallic appearance, if anyone's looking. This is in marked contrast to her otherwise gracefully feminine feline nack. Comet, on the other hand, has a more blockish upper torso but slimmer hips and an unremarkable tail. Naturally, she is the more girly of the two. Funny how such things play out...

Play on!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fog Blanket Returns

Oh bliss! The fog blanket is back
Encouraging all to spend the morning in the sack
There's an aura of mystic fantasy just across the Bay
Where happy memories of my kittenhood still hold sway

Today's an appropriate day for the fog, too
As politics erupt across this state zoo
Television ads blare and the phone keeps on ringing
Bombarding the innocent and the unsuspecting

PU has spent the morning poring over mail old and new
Trying to get a clearer view
Of issues and facts amongst the plethora of words
Finally concluding that the whole mess is for the birds

Voting's a privilege and a responsibility
Though sometimes the reason's hard to see
People play all sorts of curious games
To solicit advantage behind famous names

When all has been said and done at the end of the day
It's still the next generations that will have to pay

We live in a fog, that's clear to see
Letting things go on as though they were meant to be

Sunday, November 05, 2006


5 November 2006

P.U.’s home, this time to stay
The Gurlz have grown so
But still like to play

JJ is shrinking, just wasting away
He’s lost his youngest status
And with it his final say

Ajax thinks AJ = JJ, you see
So she bounds in and takes
Whatever offerings there be

Together Ajax and Comet
Have taken over the house
There’s precious little yet
That they don’t successfully pounce

Political solicitations that arrive in the mail
Are fair game; each piece they equally assail
Though they’re past teething, their claws are still sharp
Even though each week to trim them I carp

Still, the treetop is mine by right and possession
And all little kitties come to me for confession ;->