Lonely Is the Name
3 June 2006
PU's gone away after a lot of hustle and bustle. Now there's no one to play with JJ, so he's using me as he was meant to be: an available Boy Toy. Oh, the humiliation! That's all right, though, for though no one would accuse me of being a "sturdy fellow", (as JJ has been known to be characterized,) I am considered spry and fly. Agility is the key to getting the best of that Little Boy.
Alas, but that too easily must pass. Then the house settles down again to its same stuffy, empty self...
Yesterday P.U. called on the telephone, just for us. I heard the answering machine, but I was busy fending off JJ at the time. Then last night P.U. called again, though not for me. I heard my name, though. Oh, where oh where has my P.U. gone, and when will P.U. return?
Where is that JJ Boy? I need someone to pound...