Tough Day for JJ
Today was a tough day for the Little Guy. Everyone was all cuddly and lovey dovey with him this morning, until he was suddenly, seemingly lovingly, swept up and carried off to the kitchen. There he was vilely assaulted by a syringe filled with some sort of clear liquid that left him increasingly unfocused.
Earlier than usual, P.U. returned, this time bearing a new carrying case. JJ being JJ, he checked it out. About an hour later, he found himself zipped into it and being carried out into the courtyard where P.U. turned to lock the door. This was clearly unusual, as we aer both accustomed to being ooshed inside before the door is locked. The next thing I heard was the garage door opening and him mewing piteously.
Two hours later they returned, P.U. reeking of gasoline, JJ reeking of things medicinal. Worse, he hissed me, then attacked. Naturally I easily avoided his charge, but it seemed the better part of valor to retreat to the safety of the bedroom. He followed. There things quickly got stranger.
Not content with hissing me and charging me, JJ ran wildly round and round the room, up across the window ledge, down under the bed and out again, back up and around and around. I got dizzy watching him. Finally, with one last hiss, he zoomed back down the hallway and out into the courtyard.
It's been a tough day since then. From what I can gather, he was shot at least four times, though by the end he was pretty groggy and isn't quite sure. He had a cold glass and metal thermometer shoved up his behind, as well as a cruel plastic loopy thingy, though the vet didn't seem too happy with the results of that incursion. Stuff was shoved up his nose and into his mouth. He was poked, prodded, and pinned down. The whole time his tormentors laughed, as though there were some bad joke or bet being played out at his expense. And now he wants to take out his abuse on me.
Afterwards P.U. rescued him and took him around a large place where there were all kinds of interesting smells. There seemed to be all sorts of interesting toys and things to climb, though he was in no shape to do so. Maybe next time, if he can just evade those nasty molesters... Maybe next time...
Poor JJ