Friday, May 26, 2006

Tough Day for JJ

Today was a tough day for the Little Guy. Everyone was all cuddly and lovey dovey with him this morning, until he was suddenly, seemingly lovingly, swept up and carried off to the kitchen. There he was vilely assaulted by a syringe filled with some sort of clear liquid that left him increasingly unfocused.

Earlier than usual, P.U. returned, this time bearing a new carrying case. JJ being JJ, he checked it out. About an hour later, he found himself zipped into it and being carried out into the courtyard where P.U. turned to lock the door. This was clearly unusual, as we aer both accustomed to being ooshed inside before the door is locked. The next thing I heard was the garage door opening and him mewing piteously.

Two hours later they returned, P.U. reeking of gasoline, JJ reeking of things medicinal. Worse, he hissed me, then attacked. Naturally I easily avoided his charge, but it seemed the better part of valor to retreat to the safety of the bedroom. He followed. There things quickly got stranger.

Not content with hissing me and charging me, JJ ran wildly round and round the room, up across the window ledge, down under the bed and out again, back up and around and around. I got dizzy watching him. Finally, with one last hiss, he zoomed back down the hallway and out into the courtyard.

It's been a tough day since then. From what I can gather, he was shot at least four times, though by the end he was pretty groggy and isn't quite sure. He had a cold glass and metal thermometer shoved up his behind, as well as a cruel plastic loopy thingy, though the vet didn't seem too happy with the results of that incursion. Stuff was shoved up his nose and into his mouth. He was poked, prodded, and pinned down. The whole time his tormentors laughed, as though there were some bad joke or bet being played out at his expense. And now he wants to take out his abuse on me.

Afterwards P.U. rescued him and took him around a large place where there were all kinds of interesting smells. There seemed to be all sorts of interesting toys and things to climb, though he was in no shape to do so. Maybe next time, if he can just evade those nasty molesters... Maybe next time...

Poor JJ

Friday, May 19, 2006

Clearly Foggy

Clearly Foggy
19 May 2006

The rains have returned, ushered in by the blessed return of the fog, though somehow I’m not as elated as I expected to be. Can I be getting acclimated to this so sunny place where it is so frequently warm of late? Today was the first time in a month that JJ and I have been inclined to snuggle down under the comforter.

Too much brightness does not bring the clarity one might expect. Information overload causes glares and sheens to cast a haze over everything. Darkness does not help; what I want is a cloud covering that does not obscure.

Who’s impossible to satisfy?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Road Kill

Road Kill
18 May 2006

How does a duck come to be killed on a seldom traveled road? It has the freedom of flight and aquatics alike, yet evidently it chose to cross the road, and not an egg in sight. People are like that: with all the opportunities and advantages available in a seriously self-indulgent society such as ours, some folks just have to essay the most cumbersome, least efficient path in life with the longest odds. Rumor has it that life is no fun otherwise. How senseless is that? And how much more exciting? or is that exiting?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sunny Daze

Sunny Daze
9 May 2006

It’s a warm and sunny day
But the catnip makes me want to play
To which all I have to say

Friday, May 05, 2006


5 May 2006

Saw a license plate passing by
Saw the first four digits and oh my
Was that a metal smith from days of yore
Or a counterfeiter bragging about a score
The car attached to it looked authentic
Though I can’t be sure cuz it went by so quick
Or perhaps it was a reference in Chinese
To that jellyfish dish – I want some please
Maybe I’m just trying too hard
To wiggle and jiggle my brain lard

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May Day Is Lei Day

May Day Is Lei Day
2 May 2006

A day late and a dollar short, I find myself nevertheless enjoying a sunny Hawaiian-style existence, roaming freely in and out of the courtyard despite incursions by the dreaded kitty eater (vacuum) and broom that prevented my blogging yesterday. Freshly hatched nestling birds sound their youthful exuberance. The yellow jackets are back, bringing with them the promise of burgeoning fruit on the leafy lemon tree in whose shade JJ loves to lounge. I myself prefer a good tummy rub with my back up against the concrete slabs whenever I can get it.

Sure, the world is troubled . . . out there . . . What’s an immigrant but someone who has moved away from his/her birthplace to a new locale? I have done that. What’s an undocumented alien but someone who has left no stamped paper trail in triplicate? JJ has official documentation, but I do not; does that make him any more legitimate than I? Sure, he plays harder than I do, but I am the superior lover: ask anyone. And yes, I frequently incite work stoppages, but let’s face it: I’m worth it. The people with whom I share my life are far too stressed; it’s unhealthy. I simply step in and help them to relax, to forget about their worries for a little while. I make their lives better and sweeter, as they do mine. That is called fair trade, or should be.