Halloween Is Coming
Halloween Is Coming
This last day of September is a bright, beautifully lit day, one last glow before this area succumbs to the expected series of wintry blows that annually sweep out the year’s detritus. Lawnmowers, hedge trimmers, and leaf blowers swing through parks and lawns, perhaps for the last time this year, perhaps not.
Tomorrow begins October. Already stores have their Halloween goods on display: eerie cackles over pointy hats, whispy brooms, seething cauldrons, silken webs, all artistically draped over mounds of pounds of candy. For the for the sheltered and the naïve, it is still a time for innocent fun.
Conservative schools and parents, however, are prepare for what has become an annual war of words and policies over whether or not what was once an important Christian holiday has become an annual Satanic celebration. In fairness, how many people actually remember or think about the fact that Halloween started out as the Eve of All Saints Day, a time for reflection and contrition? Somehow it has gone from being a time of chasing out old demons and letting go of sinful ways to being a celebration of indulgence and demonizing. Each year the news is filled with tales of drink-fueled sprees of vandalism and violence. The entertainment industry contributes its bit to the shaping of contemporary culture by releasing a slew of horror-based films and songs of violence to match the sentiment of the season.
Like Christmas Eve, Halloween has been co-opted for commercial purposes. As the pre-Christmas season is the time of year when merchants expect to make the bulk of their profits, so the pre-Halloween season has become the greatest time of marketing and sales for the candy, sugar products, and costume industries.
Christian holidays have become touchstones for big business in the U.S. Perhaps that is why our money still says, “In God We Trust”; not a statement of religious faith, as the civil liberties advocates claim, but rather as an affirmation of commercial philosophy, as marketers practice it. Soon enough the bright glow of summer will be replaced by the bright glow of coins flowing into tills across the land.