I'm a full fool, double "l", double "o".
Usually it's JJ who likes more, please, but somehow today despite the shiny sunrays my paws hurt, maybe from too much cool dirt. The vaulted ceilings and cool tiles are attractive features and fine selling points when it's 90 degrees out, but stay awhile and chill with me and then we'll see...
Harry Potter's on my mind, still obsessing about curious parallels and odd couplings/doublings/deja vu things...
The CHAMBER OF SECRETS is both a cave far beneath Hogwarts, possibly the Lake, and one's mind (Riddle's and HP's, actually).
Huh! That just made me think: Riddle's mind holds the answers to the Horcrux riddles, but Harry's mind holds the answers to the Godric's Hollow riddle that is driving me personally crazy... and DD's mind seemed to positively teem with secrets, so much so that he needed to use the pensieve regularly to sift through them all, besides which DD clearly spent much time wading through the chambers of other people's minds mining their secrets in search of the answers to TR's secrets... I think I'm chasing my tail, but it's fun: Wheeeeee!
Both Bellatrix and McMonagall, the two female right hands of the two most awe-inspiring wizards alive, consider the possibility that their respective leaders may have been mistaken about Snape...
The HALF-BLOOD PRINCE is both Snape, half the son of Eileen Prince and half the son of a Muggle, and Tom Riddle, if we see him as the half-blood last uncrowned heir to Slytherin and aspirant to world dictatorship.
In the second chapter, "Spinners End", Snape protects Narcissa from the eavesdropping Wormtail. In the twenty-seventh chapter, he protects Harry from himself. As Dumbledore has been, so is Snape: a guide, a counselor, but not a confidante...
Must ponder more...